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High-Tech Solutions Providers Are Gathering To Take On The Challenge Of Replacing Ticket Gates At Main Line Stations

High-Tech Solutions Providers Are Gathering To Take On The Challenge Of Replacing Ticket Gates At Main Line Stations

An impressive array of technologically focussed market leaders are gathering tomorrow 2nd April to connect and collaborate to take on the challenge of replacing ticket gates at main line stations and enable growth in the rail system's capacity to handle ever increasing numbers of passengers.

IXC (InnovationXchange UK Ltd), the UK’s trusted innovation consultants in the globally connected knowledge economy, is facilitating this key event designed to bring together cross-sector organisations, partners and stakeholders to create key value and knowledge exchange to address the The Future Railway’s innovation strategy objectives. IXC excels at communication and outreach to the innovation marketplace and supply chain, and assessing and encouraging the right potential partners to engage with clients’ innovation challenges.

The briefing in London on Wednesday the 2nd April 2014 will welcome a diverse cross-sector breadth of innovators and leaders in their respective fields; incorporating communications, semiconductors, electronics systems, security, access control, revenue protection, mobility solutions, information services, IT, e-commerce, design, apps, and smart media. These sectors are ideally placed (and enhanced with collaboration), to enable more passengers to get through the UK’s busiest train stations- more smoothly, safely and quickly.

Enhancing passenger flow could be approached via different angles, including ticket detection systems, revenue protection methods, and interfaces with existing systems. As such, The Future Railway- the rail industry’s innovation accelerator- has partnered with IXC to identify providers of innovative solutions and welcome them to this week’s event to find out more about the £2m Future Ticket Detection Competition, enabling them to also seize the opportunity to connect, partner, and form consortia.

Attendees include representatives from British Telecommunications plc, Infineon Technologies, THALES, Cubic Transportations Systems, Telent Technology Services, Oberthur Technologies, Vix Technology, Gemalto, ESP Group, Scheidt & Bachmann, CGI, Integrated Design Ltd, Applied Card Technologies, MultiPass, Presence Aware Tech, East Japan Railway Company, SilverRail Technologies, TrainFX, RSL, Maynard Design Ltd, Rail Apps, The Hub Company, HopOn, Transport Research Laboratory, and many more technology-focussed companies.

To find out more about the Future Ticket Detection Competition, visit the FutureRailway site

High-Tech Solutions Providers Are Gathering To Take On The Challenge Of Replacing Ticket Gates At Main Line Stations

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